Research Management System

K-Ersha has developed a robust computer-based system to support Ethiopian Agricultural research management. It is a big milestone for K-Ersha and agricultural research in general. As we are heading to the annual research reviews, the system will be very helpful to centers and institutions to track their research activities and more. We are proudly opening the system JUST for FREE!!! The Research Management System (RMS) is a multi-purposed information system that integrates agricultural research processes providing visibility of the entire project life cycle to facilitate management and regulatory agencies.

Top 5 benefits of using Research management system (RMS) software for the researcher: 

  • Avoids paper works: The user can monitor his/her papers easily, decide to publish or not, or prepare a CV at a moment’s notice while being in the field. 
  • Helps in very fast and credible information flow to ease the research activity reporting system to support research 
  • Helps avoid duplication of efforts 
  • Helps track contributions of researchers and preparation of digital (auto-prepared) CVs.
  • Promotes transparency and accountability.

A step-by-step guide to using RMS

1- Register to K-Ersha (

2-Click Research Management System (RMS) from the dropdown menu at the top right side

3- Insert your id number and first name (leave the first zero if your id starts with it) (in case you failed to go further because of the wrong id/name message with red font, please try to change those confusing letters your name might have)

4 – Complete the form in the right column and Submit it. An email notification will be sent right away

5-click the hyperlink sent to your email, which will direct you to the login form. Please fill in the username and password you used to register for RMS

6. You’re here.

Contact us for more info at agri@admin or call us at 251952000102

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